Exercises To Avoid After Hernia Surgery
Hernia surgery in Navi Mumbai is an invasive medical procedure that involves pushing the bulging tissue back into its original place. The surgeon might use mesh to strengthen the abdominal muscles and keep the repaired tissue in place. If you have just had hernia repair surgery, you might wonder how soon you can start exercising. We’ve listed some exercises to avoid after hernia surgery and some alternatives you can try.
Understanding Hernia Surgery Recovery
It’s a fairly safe procedure, but like any surgical treatment, hernia repair involves incisions and stitches that can take time to heal. Most patients return to their normal activities in a week or two, but if your work is physically demanding, it’s ideal to wait a little longer or until your doctor clears you for it. It’s not uncommon to feel pain post-operation, accompanied by fatigue and discomfort. The symptoms should resolve within days.
Exercises to Avoid
1) High-impact Activities:
You can start with mild exercises, like walking, but anything that puts strain on the surgical site should be avoided for at least 2 weeks. Running, jumping, aerobics, and all kinds of high-intensity physical activities are a big no.
2) Heavy Lifting or Weight Training:
For a few weeks after surgery, do not lift anything heavier than 10 pounds. Do not lift dumbbells or any heavy objects. Even something as simple as a grocery bag can put unnecessary strain on your abdominal muscles. Likewise, avoid exhausting your body with physical activities, as they may delay your healing.
3) Abdominal Exercises:
Any general surgeon in Navi Mumbai will strictly advise against abdominal exercises, such as situps, leg raises, crunches, and other activities that can strain your abdominal muscles. It’s best to hold off on these until your doctor gives you clearance.
Safe Alternatives
Instead of high-intensity workouts and weight training, you can consider these safer alternatives.
a) Gentle Walking:
Walking around your house is the best exercise for the first couple of days after surgery. It builds your muscle stamina. Start with a gentle walk using canes or walking aids, if recommended. Slowly, you can work your way up to a 20-minute walk without assistance.
b) Light Stretching:
Within a few weeks, you can incorporate light stretching into your routine. It improves your flexibility, reduces stiffness, and prepares your body for workout sessions. You can try a cat-cow stretch, seated forward bend, and standing side bends.
You can try other low-impact activities, like swimming and stationary cycling.
Tips for a Smooth Recovery
Recovery from hernia surgery can vary from patient to patient and usually depends on the type of surgery you’ve had and its complexity. Here are a few tips to ensure a smooth recovery after the procedure:
- Always consult your doctor before starting a new exercise
- Listen to your body and stop when you feel pain or fatigue
- Start slow
Establishing an exercise routine will speed up your healing and help you get back in shape. However, before proceeding, it’s important to talk to your surgeon about what’s safe and what to avoid.

How Many Rounds of Chemo is Normal?
Chemotherapy is one of the effective treatments for many types of cancer. These drugs, combined with radiation therapy, immunotherapy, hormone therapy, and surgery, are administered to prevent cancer from spreading and growing. A cancer specialist in Navi Mumbai recommends chemotherapy in multiple cycles.
This is to ensure that your body gets enough rest before the next cycle begins. It also helps assess how your body and the cancer responds to the medication. In this article, we’ve discussed all you should know about factors affecting chemotherapy duration, how many rounds of chemo is normal, and the chemo cycles. Let’s take a look:
Factors Influencing the Number of Chemo Rounds
The number of chemo sessions you need depends on many factors:
i) Type of Cancer:
Breast and lung cancer, for example, require 4-6 cycles of chemotherapy. Chronic leukemia may require ongoing chemo sessions that can last up to 2 years.
ii) Stage of Cancer:
Cancer that’s diagnosed at an early stage might require fewer chemo rounds compared to the advanced-stage cancer that’s spreading aggressively. Your treatment plan may include chemo sessions before and after surgery.
iii) Patient’s Health:
How your body reacts to the chemo drugs determine the number of chemo rounds required. If your tumor shrinks and your symptoms improve, the oncologist may recommend fewer sessions. If the progress is slow, more rounds might be scheduled.
Typical Chemotherapy Schedules
A normal range for chemotherapy rounds is between 4 and 6 cycles, but as mentioned above, it can vary from patient to patient, depending on the type and stage of cancer. Usually, the sessions start with chemo drugs, which are administered over a few days and are followed by a rest period of 2-3 weeks before another chemo session is planned.
Experts advise that chemotherapy drugs must be given with a rest period, as these medications can kill your fast-growing healthy cells. It’s a common side-effect of chemotherapy. So, while the treatment works wonders for cancer patients by killing the rapidly multiplying cancer cells, it also affects the cells responsible for your hair growth, cells in your mouth, gut, and other places. Your body needs adequate time to replenish these healthy cells.
Individualized Treatment Plan
Treatment is mostly personalized based on the patient’s age, type of cancer, and its aggressiveness. If needed, the chemotherapy regimen can be changed. The doctor decides whether to continue or how the future sessions should be planned based on how your cancer responds to the first few cycles.
Managing Side Effects
The most common side-effects after chemotherapy include fatigue, sore mouth, hair loss, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, neuro pain, cognitive issues, weight loss, and low immunity.
Chemotherapy treatment in Navi Mumbai is associated with many side-effects, some of which can cause extreme discomfort and might interfere with your daily activities. Talk to your doctor if the side-effects get severe. They will recommend lifestyle modification, change medication, or switch your chemo regimen to manage side-effects. There’s no exact chemotherapy count. You may need only a couple of sessions to kill cancer completely. Others may need more for the best results.

Signs of Chemical Pregnancy
Not every pregnancy is carried to term. A chemical pregnancy refers to an early miscarriage or termination of a pregnancy before five weeks. It’s so early that some women don’t even realize they are pregnant and had a miscarriage, especially if the pregnancy ends soon after the missed period. Chances are your pregnancy won’t be visible on the ultrasound.
It’s important to know the signs of chemical pregnancy and head to the nearest maternity hospital in Navi Mumbai if you experience the symptoms mentioned below:
Early Signs of Chemical Pregnancy
Chemical pregnancy can make you an emotional wreck. Having a miscarriage right after the positive pregnancy test is not just physically exhausting but is equally tough on your mental health. Here’s what to watch out for:
1) Bleeding:
It may start with spotting, which gradually develops into heavy period-like bleeding. Your period might arrive late.
2) Lower Abdominal Cramps:
When your pregnancy doesn’t progress, your body will start to shed the uterine lining, which results in mild cramping. It mimics your period cramps, so it’s often hard to tell whether it’s just the regular monthly cramps or pregnancy-loss cramps.
3) Drop in hCG Levels
Your hCG levels rise drastically in the first few weeks of your pregnancy. In the case of a chemical pregnancy, women notice faint lines on the pregnancy test, which might completely disappear as the hCG levels drop.
4) Pregnancy Test Results
The most obvious sign of a chemical pregnancy is the negative test result. If you have had a positive pregnancy test followed by a negative result, it may indicate an early pregnancy loss.
5) No Pregnancy Symptoms
For some women, pregnancy symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, and breast tenderness, can start as early as 2-3 weeks. If you felt morning sickness, nausea, and other pregnancy-induced symptoms, which resolved suddenly, it may be a sign you have had a miscarriage.
6) Emotional Impact
For those who didn’t realize a pregnancy loss might go on to live their lives normally. Those who have taken a pregnancy test might be disheartened by a negative pregnancy report. As mentioned earlier, it can take a toll on your mental health.
However, know that it’s neither your nor your partner’s fault. Chemical pregnancies occur due to a defect in the chromosome makeup. If the fetus doesn’t get the right number of chromosomes, the pregnancy is highly likely to end quickly. The good news is that you can try immediately after a pregnancy loss, although doctors usually advise you to wait until your next period.
7) Medical Consultation
If you had a positive pregnancy test followed by a negative test, it’s a good idea to see an obstetrician and gynecologist in Navi Mumbai. It’s especially recommended for women who have had repeat miscarriages in the first few weeks of conception. The doctor will order tests and suggest the most suitable treatment.
Do not feel hopeless if you’ve had a chemical pregnancy. There’s still a good chance you can have a healthy and viable pregnancy in the future. It’s, however, advisable to see a gynecologist to rule out any health issues.

How Many Types of Fractures Are There?
Your bone density tends to decrease with age, increasing the risk of bone fracture. A bone fracture occurs when a heavy object hits your bones with a force greater than the bone can bear. The fracture can be minor; the bone may crack but doesn’t break completely. This can be fixed with casting and splinting. Or, it can be severe enough to break through the skin, increasing the risk of infection and other complications. In either case, it’s important to seek fracture treatment in Navi Mumbai to get your bones realigned. Read on to find out how many types of fractures are there.
Major Types of Fractures
a) Simple/Closed Fractures:
The bones break inside your skin but do not pierce through the skin. These are less complicated and often get better with immobilization and casting.
b) Compound/Open Fractures:
In a compound fracture, the bone fragments are visible on your skin. It creates a deep wound that requires immediate medical attention. You must see an orthopedic surgeon in Navi Mumbai to have it surgically repaired.
c) Greenstick Fractures:
Due to their increased bone flexibility, children are mainly affected by greenstick fractures. These occur when something hits their bones, breaking one side of the bone and bending the other.
d) Comminuted Fractures:
This is the worst type. The bones in comminuted fractures break into more than two pieces, often requiring a surgical repair. Because of their severity, comminuted fractures occur mostly during accidents and severe falls.
Specific Fracture Types
i) Transverse Fractures:
A transverse fracture results in the bone breaking horizontally into two pieces. It’s common in your leg or forearm bones. Treatment requires splints or surgery, depending on the severity of the damage.
ii) Oblique Fractures:
A sudden trauma to the bone can cause it to break diagonally. Oblique fractures are common in athletes, as they twist their arms and legs often during sports.
iii) Spiral Fractures:
Bones can also break spirally. Like oblique fractures, spiral fractures are common in people who forcefully twist their bones.
iv) Impacted Fractures:
Impacted fractures result in one end of the bone pushing into another due to serious trauma to the bones. These fractures can affect your ankles, hips, arms, and wrists. Since the bones do not break into pieces, you have a certain level of stability. That, however, doesn’t mean your bones are aligned. Treatment is required to restore your bones to their normal position.
Special Cases
A) Stress Fractures:
A fracture might occur from repetitive activities that put pressure on your bones. These are called stress fractures.
B) Pathologic Fractures:
These fractures occur because of a medical condition that can result in bone weakening to a degree that even a minor trauma can cause a severe fracture.
Prevention and Recovery
You can’t prevent situations, such as accidents or falls, that can lead to bone fractures. Here are a few tips that can help reduce your risk:
- Eat a diet rich in vitamin D and calcium
- Exercise regularly
- Resolve underlying medical conditions, such as osteoporosis.
Fractures are common during accidents and falls. Although anyone can get their bone fractured, people with low bone density are at an increased risk.

Effective Strategies in the Medical Management of Breast Cancer
Breast cancer diagnosis can be emotionally and physically challenging. However, advancements in technology and medical science have improved the survival rate and quality of life of many cancer patients. Depending on the stage of the cancer, breast cancer treatment in Navi Mumbai may involve surgery as a standalone procedure or combined with chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and hormone therapy.
In this post, we’ve explored some effective strategies in the medical management of breast cancer. Keep reading.
Early Detection and Diagnosis
The 5-year survival rate of women with breast cancer is 99% if it’s localized, i.e., if it hasn’t spread to the surrounding tissues and lymph nodes. The same is 86% for patients with regional breast cancer and 31% if it’s distant or has spread outside the breast tissue.
Screening Methods
Your health professional will conduct a thorough breast examination to detect any visible lumps that could be cancerous. They will also look at your breasts to check if your nipples and breasts look normal. Here’s what else can be used for detecting breast cancer.
1) Mammogram:
This is a type of breast X-ray that examines both breasts closely. If the mammogram shows anything unusual, another one will be ordered. This gives a detailed look at your breast tissues.
2) An Ultrasound:
Your healthcare provider may recommend a breast ultrasound, which can differentiate between a fluid-filled cyst and a cancerous mass. The doctors will decide whether further screening is needed depending on the test result.
3) MRI:
For an MRI, the patient is injected with the dye that gives a clear picture of both your breasts. This imaging test is used to detect how far the cancer has spread.
4) Biopsy:
A small sample of the breast tissues is used to detect cancerous growth.
Treatment Options
Your oncologist in Navi Mumbai might recommend the following treatment options:
a) Surgery
For most types of early-stage breast cancers, surgery is the most effective option. It’s possible to remove the tumor completely. This will prevent the likelihood of the cancer recurring. The surgery is called lumpectomy. If the tumor is large, a mastectomy (complete or partial removal of the breasts) might be needed.
b) Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapies
Chemotherapy can be given before surgery to shrink the tumor size, making it operable. It could be needed after surgery, as well. If cancer has spread beyond the breasts and has entered lymph nodes and nearby organs, chemotherapy, and radiation therapies followed by tumor removal are recommended.
c) Targeted Therapies
A targeted therapy attacks cancer cells by destroying the chemical mechanism in these cells. These are highly effective and have fewer side effects, as targeted therapies cause minimal damage to healthy cells. Most targeted therapies destroy the cancer cells that make extra HER2 (a protein responsible for the growth of cancer in your body).
d) Immunotherapy
Immunotherapy can be used for triple-negative breast cancer. The therapy signals your immune system to find and kill cancer cells. These treatment options are often used together to destroy cancer cells, slow their growth, and remove the mass from your breasts.

8 Types of Bone Fractures
Bone fracture refers to the broken or cracked bones. Although anyone at any age can experience a bone fracture, they are more common in older people (above 50 years). The risk is higher in people diagnosed with osteoporosis. Visit an orthopedic hospital in Navi Mumbai for bone density screening. The test detects weak and brittle bones and also suggests your likelihood of getting bone fractures. In the meantime, let’s explore the eight most common types of bone fractures.
8 Types of Bone Fractures
1) Simple Fracture
A simple fracture occurs when the bone breaks but does not cause any visible injury on the skin or break through your skin. There’s no severe tissue damage, as the bone is contained within your body. The bone might slightly displace or remain completely aligned with little damage to the soft tissue. Rest and immobilization are the most effective treatment options for simple fractures.
2) Compound Fractures
A compound fracture is more severe than a simple fracture. It occurs when the bone breaks and pierces your skin, leading to a severe wound. It’s caused by a fall from a great height or a car accident that puts excessive force on your bones, causing them to break and injure your skin. You will notice the bone sticking out of your skin and severe bleeding. See an orthopedic doctor in Navi Mumbai immediately if you notice these signs.
3) Comminuted Fractures
A car crash or other severe accident can result in your bone getting broken into many pieces. It’s another serious type of bone crack that requires hospitalization. The treatment for comminuted bone fractures is a surgical repair. The broken bones can take a year or longer to heal completely.
4) Greenstick Fractures
In greenstick fractures, your bone bends so much that it cracks slightly but does not break into multiple pieces. They result from sports injuries, falls, and other kinds of trauma. They are common in children, as children’s bones are weaker compared to adults.
5) Transverse Fractures
A transverse fracture is a bone crack that goes straight across the bone. It looks like a horizontal cut. The crack occurs from a fall or a heavy object hitting your bone. Immobilization is usually recommended for transverse fracture, but surgery might be needed if the bones’ alignment is affected.
6) Oblique Fractures
An oblique fracture is a diagonal crack, usually found in the long bones. These also occur from trauma to your bone due to a fall or an accident.
7) Spiral Fractures
Spiral fractures occur due to a sudden twisting motion, especially during strenuous physical activities or sports. These look like a corkscrew, a spiral line that goes all the way around the bone.
8) Compression Fractures
Compression fractures occur in the vertebra in your spine. They are most common in people with osteoporosis or a weakened spine, which is likely to collapse if you experience a fall, injury, or any accident that hits your spinal area.
Bone fractures are common and mostly occur because of trauma to your bones. These are more common in people with weaker bones (especially elders) than healthy ones. Treatment includes immobilization and surgery in severe cases.

10 Things a Pregnant Woman Needs
Ask any woman about their pregnancy journey, and you will likely hear different answers. Each woman has a unique pregnancy experience. Some experience severe nausea that lasts throughout the nine months, while others have a smooth pregnancy journey with no severe symptoms and fewer visits to pregnancy hospital in Navi Mumbai. To help you make the best of this time, we’ve listed the top ten pregnancy gears that every woman should include in her must-have-pregnancy-stuff list.
10 Things a Pregnant Woman Needs
1) Prenatal Vitamins
Start with folic acid. It’s mandatory for pregnant women and those planning conception. Folic acid reduces the risk of neural tube defects and congenital abnormalities in babies. Other prenatal vitamins you need during pregnancy include calcium, iron, vitamin D, Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, and more.
2) Comfortable Maternity Clothing
As your body grows, you need comfortable maternity clothing to adapt to changes, such as a growing belly and sudden weight gain. Pregnancy also brings joint pain and muscle aches. To feel comfortable, order some maternity clothes, preferably loose-stitched long gowns.
3) Hydration and Healthy Snacks
Your body’s demand for calories and vital nutrients increases during pregnancy. Increasing your calorie intake is important to support your growing baby’s requirements and keep yourself healthy. It’s equally important to drink plenty of water, around 8-12 cups a day, to stay hydrated.
4) Prenatal Care
Schedule regular appointments with your gynecologist as part of your prenatal care. They will monitor your vitals, such as blood pressure. The doctor will also order ultrasound and other tests to ensure the mother’s and the baby’s wellbeing.
5) Supportive Footwear
Pregnancy is not the best time to flaunt your brand-new spiky heels. Anything that puts you at risk of accidental falls should be avoided. You should get a couple of flats or comfortable shoes that offer proper foot support while preventing falls.
6) Rest and Relaxation
Your body needs rest during pregnancy. The physical exhaustion from increased blood volume and the growing fetus can put a lot of physical and mental stress on your body. To combat the stress, you should aim for sufficient rest. Sleep for at least 8-9 hours a day.
7) Pregnancy Pillow
Adding a pillow or two beneath your legs can help a lot. It makes your sleep a whole lot more comfortable. You can choose from c-shaped, wedged, U-shaped, and full-length pillows.
8) Exercise Routine
Many women feel intimidated by the idea of exercising during pregnancy. However, it’s important to create a proper exercise routine, practicing yoga, stretches, and basic exercises throughout the nine months. Speak with an obstetrician in Navi Mumbai to know whether starting exercises is safe.
9) Education and Resources
Getting the right book for your pregnancy and childbirth journey can help you learn a lot about what’s normal and what’s not. It also helps you prepare for labor, delivery, and post-partum care.
10) Emotional Support
Pregnancy hormones bring a significant change in your physical and mental health. It’s normal to feel stressed, mentally exhausted, and depressed at times. Spend quality time with your loved ones and practice meditation to improve your mental wellbeing. Seek professional care if your pregnancy blues get out of control.

Signs of Bladder Stones in Females
A combination of minerals can crystallize and form a mass in your bladder, leading to bladder stones. Some of these are small and often pass on their own through urine. Others, however, might require a surgical removal. Although it’s more common in older males, anyone, including women, can develop bladder stones.
The common signs are abdominal pain and difficulty urinating. We’ve researched the most common and less obvious yet possible warning signs of bladder stones. Let’s check out the symptoms and when to seek help from a urologist in Navi Mumbai.
Common Signs of Bladder Stones in Females
a) Painful Urination:
The most obvious sign of bladder stones in females is pain while urinating. This happens when the stone obstructs the flow of urine or irritates the bladder lining, making urination painful. The pain is exacerbated if the stones lead to an infection or inflammation in the bladder.
b) Frequent Urge to Urinate:
Stones block the urine flow, making it difficult to empty the bladder fully. This can lead to frequent urination or the urge to urinate more often than usual. The stone can also put pressure on the bladder, causing frequent urination.
c) Hematuria:
Hematuria, or blood in the urine, occurs when the stones in your bladder irritate the bladder lining, which might result in visible blood in your pee. This happens when the stones sit around for a prolonged period or grow in size.
d) Dark Urine:
Less fluid intake or the presence of blood in the urine can make it appear darker. Certain types of stone composition can also change the urine color.
Less Common Signs of Bladder Stones in Females
There are a few less obvious signs that indicate bladder stones. Although they don’t occur in every patient, it’s important to watch out for these symptoms and report them to your urologist.
A) Lower Abdominal Pain:
Bladder stones can cause abdominal pain, which can be mild or severe, depending on the size of the stone. In women, particularly, the pain might radiate to the pelvic floor muscles and the back.
B) Painful Intercourse:
In females, bladder stones can put pressure on the pelvic organs, leading to painful sexual intercourse.
C) Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections:
Bladder stones can lead to stagnant urine, in which the urine doesn’t leave your system because of the obstruction in its flow. This creates a perfect environment for bacteria to thrive, increasing your risk of catching urinary tract infections frequently.
D) Nausea and Vomiting:
If the stones have blocked a significant part of the bladder responsible for regulating urine flow, the patient might experience nausea and vomiting. That’s more common in women with UTI.
When to Seek Medical Help
Visit a urology hospital in Navi Mumbai if you experience persistent pain that gets intense in your lower abdomen. Prompt medical attention is necessary if the pain is accompanied by other bladder stone symptoms, including hematuria, difficulty peeing, high-grade fever, chills, and vomiting.
Bladder stones can grow if they remain undetected and untreated for a long time. Depending on the size and location of the stone, the urologist will either prescribe medication to pass it through urine or remove it surgically.

Early Symptoms of Breast Cancer in Females
Breast cancer occurs when the cells in your breasts start growing abnormally. It’s one of the most common types of cancer in women all over the world. Although it mainly occurs in women, a report by the World Health Organization (WHO) shows that 0.5 to 1 percent of breast cancers affect the male population.
Like any type of cancer, breast cancer can spread to the surrounding tissues and organs, and even lymph nodes when it reaches an advanced stage. Early detection followed by breast cancer treatment in Navi Mumbai can increase your survival rates.
Early Symptoms of Breast Cancer in Females
The survival rates in women diagnosed with breast cancer have been improving. That’s primarily because people are now more aware of the symptoms, and they get prompt medical care, which improves the treatment outcome.
As mentioned above, early detection is key to getting the best treatment. Here are the initial signs of breast cancer you must watch out for:
1) Breast Lumps
The first and most common sign of breast cancer is a visible lump that may have rounded or uneven edges. You must practice self-examination to spot any lumps on your breasts. Women above 40 and those with a family history of breast cancer should get mammograms every year, even if there’s no lump or pain.
2) Changes in Breast Size and Shape
If one or both of your breasts appear considerably larger or smaller than before, that’s a sign you should see a healthcare specialist immediately. Breast cancer can cause asymmetrical breasts. Changes in the nipples and their symmetry can also be the early sign of breast cancer.
3) Skin Changes
Several noticeable skin changes on your breasts can also indicate breast cancer. The most common changes include a visible dimple-like spot on the skin, puckering and scaling, and a red rash. Some women report swelling on their breasts and near the armpits before it turns into a visible lump.
Less Common Symptoms
When the cancer reaches an aggressive stage, you might experience advanced symptoms, like a clear discharge from one or both nipples. It can be whitish, yellow, green, or bloody. Any kind of discharge from your nipples, which isn’t milk, should be reported to the doctor.
i) Inverted Nipple
If you were born with inverted nipples, that’s usually not a cause for concern. However, if you notice a sudden inversion, especially in one of the nipples, it can be a sign of breast cancer. Nipple inversion can also indicate a benign condition, though. It’s best to get evaluated.
ii) Breast Pain
Breast pain can occur from many benign conditions. Hormonal changes, puberty, onset of menstruation, menopause, and breastfeeding are a few common causes of breast pain in women. However, if it’s persistent and accompanied by other symptoms mentioned above, see a gynecologist for a thorough evaluation.
When to See a Doctor
A visible lump on your breasts with nipple discharge, pain, and swelling might indicate breast cancer. You must schedule an appointment with an oncologist in Navi Mumbai to know whether it’s a benign condition or cancer. They will order a mammogram—a breast X-ray that detects cancer and its stage.

Is Chemo Only for Cancer?
What’s the first word that comes to your mind when you hear the word chemotherapy? Cancer. Chemotherapy is the most common treatment for different types and stages of cancer. Depending on the severity of the cancer, oncologists in Navi Mumbai perform chemotherapy either as a standalone treatment or in conjunction with surgery, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, and other procedures.
The question is, is chemotherapy only for cancer? No! It’s also used to treat certain autoimmune disorders and blood disorders. Let’s see what chemotherapy can treat.
Common Uses of Chemotherapy
For Cancer
More than a hundred types of chemotherapy drugs are used to treat different types of cancer. Cancer cells are known for multiplying rapidly. The initial stage of cancer is often confined to a specific organ, but it can spread to the surrounding tissues, lymph nodes, and organs if left untreated. Treatment gets harder as the cancer reaches an advanced stage.
Chemotherapy drugs kill the rapidly multiplying cancer cells. The goal of the treatment is to stop the cancer cells from growing or replicating. The number of chemotherapies required for each patient can vary depending on their cancer diagnosis and how far it’s spread.
For Non-Cancerous Diseases
Chemotherapy can be used in low doses or high doses for non-cancerous conditions, especially autoimmune disorders.
i) Autoimmune Disorders:
Lupus and other autoimmune disorders, in which your immune system attacks your organs and tissues, can be treated with chemotherapy. The therapy can suppress an overactive immune system.
ii) Bone Marrow Disorders:
Bone marrow diseases in which your bone marrow fails to produce adequate red blood cells might require chemotherapy combined with blood transfusion and bone marrow transplant. Chemotherapy is often performed before a bone marrow transplant to destroy the damaged bone marrow cells.
iii) Infections:
Some types of severe and persistent fungal infections can be treated with chemotherapy. Antifungal agents are used to offer relief to the patient. Viral infections that do not respond to the antiviral medication might also require chemotherapy, especially in patients with compromised immune systems.
Potential Side Effects of Chemotherapy
As mentioned earlier, chemotherapy kills cells that grow rapidly, which might also include the healthy cells in your gut and those responsible for your hair growth. So, side effects are not uncommon after each session. The severity of the side effects and how long they last depends on the chemo drugs you are given and the dosage. Here are possible side-effects of chemotherapy:
- Fatigue
- Hair loss
- Mouth sores
- Memory loss (also called chemo brain)
- Fertility issues
- Nausea and vomiting
- Loss of appetite
- Diarrhea or constipation
The side effects can vary from person to person. These are short-term issues that resolve on their own once the treatment stops and the new cells start to grow. Chemotherapy is also associated with long-term side effects, such as damage to your vital organs, like the heart, lungs, and reproductive system.
You can learn more about different types of chemotherapies and multiple methods used to administer the chemotherapy drugs into your body at the chemotherapy hospital in Navi Mumbai.