Understanding Female Urethral Stricture
The urethra is an essential part of the body for passing urine outside. However, sometimes, tranquil flow may obstructed due to sudden blockades or a stricture. Though less common in women, this formidable foe poses a challenge to the natural passage of urine, sending ripples of discomfort and frustration. However, an individual must consider the best urethral stricture treatment in Navi Mumbai from Mangal Prabhu Hospital to quickly get through all the difficulties in urination and other associated complications.
Causes of Female Urethral Stricture
A) Common causes
While childbirth can contribute to female urethral stricture, it’s not the only major cause of urethral stricture in women. Surgeries, infections like UTI, STI, trauma, and even radiation therapy can leave their mark, leading to scar tissue and a narrowed urethra. And unlike men, where strictures are more common, FUS often gets overlooked in women, leaving them suffering in silence. Other causes, including falls, accidents, and other injuries, can damage the delicate tissues of the urethra, laying the groundwork for future stricture development. And for cancer survivors who’ve undergone radiation therapy in the pelvic region, the potential for FUS becomes an additional concern, a hidden consequence of their fight for health.
B) Risk factors
- Previous Urethral Surgery: Past procedures may leave a lasting imprint, predisposing individuals to future strictures.
- Chronic Inflammation or Infection: Those battling recurrent UTIs or chronic inflammatory conditions may find themselves on a collision course with urethral strictures.
Also Read: What Does a Urologist Do?
Symptoms and Diagnosis
a) Signs and symptoms
- Initiating Urinary discomfort and difficulty: Strictures can make it challenging to kickstart urination.
- Stream Struggles: A gentle stream reduced to a mere trickle, a narrowed urethra can disrupt the flow and cause a weak and intermittent urine stream.
- Burning Sensation: an individual may feel the fiery Sensation of passing urine, signalling irritation along the urethral pathway.
- UTIs: Recurring signs of urinary tract infections are often triggered by the stagnation caused by strictures.
- Urinary Retention: Like a clogged drain, complete blockage leads to urinary retention or a harbinger of discomfort.
b) Diagnostic tests and procedures
- Uroflowmetry: it helps in monitoring the rate and volume of urine flow to uncover obstructions.
- Cystoscopy: It helps in diagnosing the depth of the urethral and visualizing strictures and hidden abnormalities.
- Urethral Dilation: A gentle stretch to widen the narrow path to relieve symptoms.
Treatment Options
i) Non-surgical approaches
- Stretching strategies or urethral dilation: A Urologist in Navi Mumbai uses a unique instrument for gradual dilation to clear the path and restore the flow.
- Medication: It helps in fighting inflammation and infections head-on, empowering the body’s defences to ease symptoms.
- Self-Care: It helps empower patients with the skills to navigate the narrow passage, ensuring regular clearance and comfort.
ii) Surgical interventions
Surgical interventions like urethroplasty, urethral stent placement and laser therapy help in removing issues and offering better passage of urine.
Female urethral stricture is a rare yet trouble-making issue; thus, gaining knowledge and consulting with the best doctor may help to eliminate the risk. So, it would be best for an individual to consult the best urologist at Mangal Prabhu Hospital to get the best possible treatment without any hassle.