Not every pregnancy is carried to term. A chemical pregnancy refers to an early miscarriage or termination of a pregnancy before five weeks. It’s so early that some women don’t even realize they are pregnant and had a miscarriage, especially if the pregnancy ends soon after the missed period. Chances are your pregnancy won’t be visible on the ultrasound.
It’s important to know the signs of chemical pregnancy and head to the nearest maternity hospital in Navi Mumbai if you experience the symptoms mentioned below:
Early Signs of Chemical Pregnancy
Chemical pregnancy can make you an emotional wreck. Having a miscarriage right after the positive pregnancy test is not just physically exhausting but is equally tough on your mental health. Here’s what to watch out for:
1) Bleeding:
It may start with spotting, which gradually develops into heavy period-like bleeding. Your period might arrive late.
2) Lower Abdominal Cramps:
When your pregnancy doesn’t progress, your body will start to shed the uterine lining, which results in mild cramping. It mimics your period cramps, so it’s often hard to tell whether it’s just the regular monthly cramps or pregnancy-loss cramps.
3) Drop in hCG Levels
Your hCG levels rise drastically in the first few weeks of your pregnancy. In the case of a chemical pregnancy, women notice faint lines on the pregnancy test, which might completely disappear as the hCG levels drop.
4) Pregnancy Test Results
The most obvious sign of a chemical pregnancy is the negative test result. If you have had a positive pregnancy test followed by a negative result, it may indicate an early pregnancy loss.
5) No Pregnancy Symptoms
For some women, pregnancy symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, and breast tenderness, can start as early as 2-3 weeks. If you felt morning sickness, nausea, and other pregnancy-induced symptoms, which resolved suddenly, it may be a sign you have had a miscarriage.
6) Emotional Impact
For those who didn’t realize a pregnancy loss might go on to live their lives normally. Those who have taken a pregnancy test might be disheartened by a negative pregnancy report. As mentioned earlier, it can take a toll on your mental health.
However, know that it’s neither your nor your partner’s fault. Chemical pregnancies occur due to a defect in the chromosome makeup. If the fetus doesn’t get the right number of chromosomes, the pregnancy is highly likely to end quickly. The good news is that you can try immediately after a pregnancy loss, although doctors usually advise you to wait until your next period.
7) Medical Consultation
If you had a positive pregnancy test followed by a negative test, it’s a good idea to see an obstetrician and gynecologist in Navi Mumbai. It’s especially recommended for women who have had repeat miscarriages in the first few weeks of conception. The doctor will order tests and suggest the most suitable treatment.
Do not feel hopeless if you’ve had a chemical pregnancy. There’s still a good chance you can have a healthy and viable pregnancy in the future. It’s, however, advisable to see a gynecologist to rule out any health issues.