Kidney stone pain is one of the most unbearable pains for a human being, and it may come in waves until the stone passes out of the body through urinary plumbing. Kidney stones can occur and grow for various reasons, but it would be best to consult the best kidney stone specialist in Navi Mumbai to get proper treatment before complications.
Moreover, kidney stone specialists from Mangal Prabhu Hospital suggested avoiding various food items to reduce the severity of the kidney stone and its pain. So let’s dive into the post to know the list of foods to avoid for kidney stones.
Overview of Kidney Stones and Why They Form
Kidney stone, also known as renal calculi, urolithiasis, or nephrolithiasis, is a hard deposit of slats and minerals that develops inside one or both kidneys. Kidney stones are excruciating, and they can also cause infection, bleeding, and other issues which obstruct the overall body functioning of a person. Kidney stones or calculi are when various substances like calcium, irc acid, or oxalate concentrate and form a stone or crystal in the kidney.
What Are The Foods To Avoid With Kidney Stones?
Every person suffering from kidney stones has to consider a proper diet and drink enough water to prevent kidney stones. Thus, it would be best to consult with the expert doctors of Mangal Prabhu Hospital, the Kidney Stone Hospital in Navi Mumbai, to offer the best treatment. However, some of the food items that one should avoid are as follow:
1) Food Contains High Sodium:
Food that contains high amounts of sodium makes urine more concentrated; thus, it would be best to avoid fast food, processed foods, salty snacks, and canned soup.
2) High Oxalates Food Items:
Items like sweet potatoes, rhubarb, seeds, nuts, and beets contain high oxalates that increase the calcium in the urine and produce kidney stones.
3) Foods High in Protein:
Dairy products, fish, red meat, etc, increase the risk of kidney stones.
Also Read: Preparing For Dialysis: What To Expect?
The Benefits of Avoiding Foods High in Oxalates, Sodium, and Protein
Food items that contain sodium, protein, and oxalates have a high risk of forming kidney stones as it increases the calcium level in the body. Avoiding these food items helps to reduce the risk of potential kidney stones. It also helps to dissolve the existing calculi and make urine less concentrated. Moreover, avoiding these food items helps reduce calcium in the urine and prevent kidney stones.
Tips on Eating a Kidney-Friendly Diet
If you want to take food that is good for kidney stones and helps prevent it, then following the given diet plan would be best.
- Drink plenty of water, lemonade, and coffee to ensure good urine volume.
- Eat fewer protein food items.
- Avoid high salt consumption.
- Eat less dietary calcium.
- Eat fruits and veggies like grapes, berries, carrots, celery, lettuce, tomatoes, banana, etc.
- Avoid fast foods, processed foods, and salty snacks.
- Eat lean protein food such as beans, poultry, and fish.
Avoiding high calcium, sodium, protein, and oxalates food helps prevent and reduce the risk of kidney stones. However, it would be best to follow the above tips to lower the risk of developing potential kidney stones. Moreover, these tips and avoiding food items help enhance the person’s overall body functioning and health.