Early Symptoms of Liver Disease
Your liver is one of the largest internal organs and has many functions—from aiding digestion to filtering toxins from your blood. However, in the process of filtering out toxins, the liver is exposed to many harmful substances that can damage it instantly or gradually. In this post, we’ll look at the early symptoms of liver disease and when to see a gastroenterologist in Navi Mumbai.
Early Symptoms of Liver Disease
Exposing your body to too many toxic substances or contracting viral infections frequently can put your liver into overdrive. Your liver has the ability to regenerate itself, but it can’t work overtime or handle excessive pressure regularly. As a result, it can get damaged over time. This can lead to chronic liver disease. Here are some early symptoms people with chronic liver disease are likely to experience.
a) Fatigue and Weakness:
Fatigue associated with liver problems is not the typical tiredness. It’s rather a persistent symptom. You may feel tired despite resting, eating a balanced diet, and making lifestyle changes.
b) Hepatitis:
The most noticeable symptom of liver disease is hepatitis infection. It’s an acute viral infection that causes fever, nausea, and stomachache. Your immune system fights the infection, and it will clear shortly, but if it persists, it could be chronic hepatitis, suggesting liver damage.
c) Weight Loss:
You may not be interested in eating food due to nausea and digestive problems linked to chronic liver diseases, which can lead to weight loss. Other reasons include an ineffective metabolism. Your liver may not function well, which makes it hard for your body to absorb and process the essential nutrients normally, causing a drastic drop in your weight.
Less Obvious Early Symptoms of Liver Disease Symptoms
i) Itchy Skin:
People mistake itchy skin for dry skin and rash. While those can be possible causes, persistent itching accompanied by unexplained fatigue and weight loss can indicate liver issues.
ii) Swollen Abdomen:
Your abdomen can get filled with fluid if your liver disease has reached an advanced stage. This fluid accumulation can make you look bloated. It also makes the upper right side of your abdomen tender.
iii) Dark Urine and Pale Stool:
A sudden change in your urine and stool colors can be due to liver disease. Inadequate bile production or improper absorption of nutrients can lead to darker urine, even if you are drinking enough fluids. It can also change your stool color.
Risk Factors and Causes
Here’s what increases your risk of developing chronic liver disease:
- Viral infections
- Excess consumption of alcohol
- Exposure to industrial toxins
- Autoimmune diseases
- Obesity
- High blood sugar
When to Seek Medical Attention
If you experience persistent symptoms that affect your daily life, it’s a good idea to get evaluated by a healthcare professional. Liver disease treatment in Navi Mumbai is most effective when the disease is caught at an early stage. See your doctor immediately if you notice signs of jaundice, such as yellowing of the eyes and the skin with abdominal pain, itching, fever, changed urine color, unexplained weight loss, or easy bruising and bleeding.