Cancer Hospital In Navi Mumbai | Oncology Hospital In Navi Mumbai
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Cancer is a disease in which some of the body’s cells grow or spread uncontrollably to the other parts of body. Cancer can start almost anywhere in the human body. Normally, human cells grow and multiply to form new cells as the body needs them. When cells grow old or become damaged they die, and new cells take their place. Sometimes this order breaks down causing abnormality of cells division causing damaged cells to grow when they should die and make new. These cells may form tumours, which are lumps of tissues.
Tumours can be cancerous or non cancerous as well.
Cancerous tumours spread into nearby tissues and can travel to distant places in the body to form new tumours. Many cancers form solid tumours but cancers of the blood, such as leukaemia, generally do not.
As we understand that cancer occurs when the normal cells in our body grow in uncontrolled way. This abnormal growth of cells can become cancer and if the cancerous cells took the major part of the organ then the organ can no longer work.
The exact cause of cancers are unknown and there is not a single cause for any type of cancer. But there are some factors that helps in developing cancers.Tobacco use is the cause of 22% of cancer deaths. Another 10% are due to obesity, poor diet, lack of physical activity or excessive drinking of alcohol. Other factors include certain infections, exposure to environmental pollutants that are harmful for our bodies.
15% of cancers are due to infections such as Hepatitis-B, Hepatitis-C and HIV. Approximately 5-10% of cancer are due to inherited genetic defects. Cancers can be detected by certain signs and symptoms.
- Bladder Cancer: As we know bladder is responsible for holding the urine after it is produced by the kidneys. Many symptoms of bladder cancer may relate of urinal abnormalities. Bladder cancer risk factors include smoking, genetic mutations, and exposure to some dyes or chemicals.
- Breast Cancer: Breast cancer is a disease in which cells in the breast grow out of control. There are different types of breast cancer. Different people have different symptoms of breast cancer, some people do not have symptoms at all. Regular mammography are the best tests doctors have to find breast cancer early.
- Cervical Cancer: When cancer starts in cervix, it is called cervical cancer. The cervix connects the vagina to the upper part of the uterus.All woman are at risk for cervical cancer.
- Head and neck cancer: Head and neck cancer develops in mouth, throat, lips, sinuses, or nose. Most cases are caused by tobacco, alcohol or infection with HPV.
- Kidney Cancer: The kidneys are bean shaped organs that remove waste and extra water and produce urine. Kidney cancers primarily affects older adults.
- Liver Cancer: The liver is an organ that helps digest food and get rid of toxins. Certain diseases, infections, or alcohol use may cause liver cancer.
- Lung Cancer: There are few different types of lung cancer, each of which may be treated with different methods. Major risk factor is smoking .
- Skin Cancer: There are many types of skin cancer, which may be treated through different methods. Sun exposure is a major risk factor for skin cancer.
- Thyroid Cancer: The thyroid is a gland that sits at the base of the neck and is responsible for making certain hormones. Thyroid cancer is more common in women than men.